Dataset: Religion (ISSP 2018) - Czech Republic

Variable A22: When you were a child, how often did your mother attend religious ceremonies?

Literal Question

When you were a child, how often did your mother attend religious ceremonies?

Values Categories N
1 Never 584
2 Less than once a year 109
3 About once or twice a year 126
4 Several times a year 142
5 About once a month 54
6 2 or 3 times a month 54
7 Nearly every week 86
8 Every week 140
9 Several times a week 29
10 Mother had deceased / Did not live with mother 7
98 Don’t know, don’t remember 66
99 No answer 10

Summary Statistics

Valid cases 1331
Missing cases 76
This variable is numeric

Interviewer Instructions

Instruction: Present Card 15. One response only!


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