Dataset: Housing Market, Its Regional Differences and Relations to Social Structure (1996-1997)


The empirical research was focused on the acquisition of regional differences of housing prices overview. It was particularly focused on the data collection concerning the market costs of housing; prices of the flats of all categories of ownership and prices of family houses. The research was held in the all regions of the Czech Republic. The basic characteristics of the house or the flat were also recorded, such as the location, size, quality, ownership relations and other characteristic that may influence the price. The basic source of information about the costs on the housing market were advertisements in the appropriate regional advertisement press and information published by estate agents. The supply and demand were followed separately.
Year of Data Collection: from the end of 1996 until the beginning of 1997

Two other surveys were conducted under the "Housing Market, Its Regional Differences and Relations to Social Structure" study.
People on the Housing Market (1996-1997)  
Concurrently with the research a telephone inquiry was conducted with those people who had stated their telephone number in the advertisement.  
Situation of Newly Married Couples on the Housing Market (1997)  
Empirical research of newly married young couples.
Data from both researches are available in the data archive.

Variable Groups

Full Title

Housing Market, Its Regional Differences and Relations to Social Structure (1996-1997)

Identification Number


Authoring Entity

Name Affiliation
Institute of Sociololgy Czech Academy of Sciences


Name Affiliation Abbreviation Role
Institute of Sociology SoÚ AV
SoÚ AV and local universities data collector

Date of Production


Data Distributor

Name Affiliation Abbreviation
SDA - Sociological Data Archive Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic SDA

Contact Person

Name Affiliation E-mail address Universal Resource Identifier
Institute of Sociololgy


Name Affiliation Abbreviation
Institute of Sociololgy, SDA

Bibliographic Citation

Institute of Sociology (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic). Housing Market, Its Regional Differences and Relations to Social Structure (1996-1997) [dataset] [online]. Ver. 1.0. Prague: Czech Social Science Data Archive, 2010 [cited DATE]. DOI 10.14473/CSDA00083en

Holdings Information

Location: SC&C

List of Keywords

Topic Classification


Czech Republic  (CZ)

Geographic Coverage

Czech Republic

Unit of Analysis

advertisement in a press, information collected from real estate agents, Characteristic of existing housing fund, characteristics of the territory and population in districts

Sampling Procedure

Content analysis of information sources on housing market.

1. Advertisements in the press
Specialised advertising press predominant in the studied regions was surveyed. Data from advertisement press were collected weekly during the period of six months, respectively. from the beginning of September 1996 until the end of February of 1997. Twenty three periodicals were used altogether, out of which eight was focused purely on advertisement. Only those advertisements that contained information on the size, locality and price of the housing were analysed. Others were excluded from the analysis. Twelve people collected the data from advertising press in the field, each in the territory of the region: both of the Moravian regions, the territory of North Bohemia and West Bohemia were divided into two regions.

2. Information collected from real estate agents.
Information from selected real estate agents were collected monthly during the period of six months. Fourteen estate agents co-operated.

3. Characteristic of existing housing fund, characteristics of the territory and population in districts.

Mode of Data Collection

A network of co-operators, - university students from the entire country, who collected data in the field for the period of half a year - was established under the methodological and organisational supervision of researches from the Institute of Sociology AV ČR. Information on more than 22,000 cases were collected. After the final checking and elimination of incomplete and duplicated data 12,943 records on prices on the side of supply and 8,745 records on the side of demand remained.  

Final Data Version:
The difference about rentals and purchases on the one side and the supply and demand on the other side is made. The outcome of the study are four types of data for every of the observed regions:

1. Flats and family houses for rent - supply.
2. Flats and family houses to let - demand.
3. Flats and family houses to sell - supply.
4. Flats and family houses to buy - demand.

Availability Status

Available for download by users registered at Czech Social Science Data Archive.


For non-commercial use only.

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