Dataset: Rodina a zdraví (ISSP 2011-12) - Česká republika

Variable A27B: A27b. Jaka je Vase vaha v kilogramech?

Literal Question

Jaká je Vaše váha?
B Váha v kg
Vypište:.... kg

Values Categories N
40 1
43 1
46 2
47 2
48 4
49 6
50 18
51 6
52 11
53 12
54 11
55 30
55.5 1
56 9
57 11
58 27
59 18
60 51
61 12
62 23
62.5 1
63 34
64 21
65 59
66 26
67 23
67.5 1
68 52
69 45
70 98
71 17
72 58
73 29
74 51
75 67
76 38
77 9
78 54
79 34
80 100
81 12
82 37
83 43
84 28
85 54
86 45
87 15
88 25
89 28
90 57
91 10
92 26
93 12
94 14
95 16
96 10
97 5
98 13
99 3
100 16
101 2
102 8
103 3
104 3
105 6
106 2
107 1
108 5
110 11
112 1
114 1
115 6
120 2
125 2
130 1
8888 Nevím 199
9999 Neuvedl(a) 9

Summary Statistics

Valid cases 1804
Missing cases 0
Minimum 40.0
Maximum 9999.0
This variable is numeric

Interviewer Instructions

TAZ: Zapište do tabulky váhu respondenta/ky v kilogramech


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