Dataset: IVVM Post-Election Survey 1998

Variable p11: Why dissatisfied with the outcome

Literal Question

Why are you dissatisfied with the outcome of the elections?

Values Categories N
1 doesn´t know 20
2 outcome of a preffered party 148
3 astable government 92
4 afraid of futher development 55
5 nothing was solved 161
6 outcome for ODS 116
7 outcome for CSSD 124
8 outcome for KDU-CSL 12
9 outcome for US 19
10 outcome for KSCM 29
11 real power of right parties 26
12 real power of left parties 25
13 distinction of election 13
14 after-election attitudes 56
15 another answer 58

Summary Statistics

Valid cases 954
Missing cases 1081
Minimum 1.0
Maximum 15.0
This variable is numeric


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