Dataset: Social Networks (ISSP 2017) - Czech Republic

Variable B14: How did you find out about that first job of yours?

Literal Question

Finally, how did you find out about that first job of yours?

Values Categories N
1 From your parents 226
2 From your siblings 21
3 from other family members 58
4 from friends or acquaintances of your parents or family 95
5 from a close friend 96
6 from an acquaintance 121
7 from a public employment agency or a personnel agency 68
8 from an advertisement, a bulletin board or a website 84
9 at school, from a teacher 222
10 the employer offered you the job 124
11 you just phoned in or showed up and asked about vacancies 91
12 in another way 65
97 filter 105
98 Can’t choose 29

Summary Statistics

Valid cases 1405
Missing cases 0
This variable is numeric

Interviewer Instructions

Filter: Ask the following if respondent is or was in paid work (B4 = 1 or 2):
only one answer.


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