Dataset: Social Networks (ISSP 2017) - Czech Republic

Variable B34: What is the average total net monthly income of your household?

Literal Question

What is the average total net monthly income of your household? By that we mean the incomes and pensions of all persons in your household after subtracting taxes and including all social welfare benefits and other incomes after taxation.

Values Categories N
1 no income 1
2 Up to 4,999 CZK 1
3 5,000–7,999 CZK 1
4 8,000–9,999 CZK 3
5 10,000–11,999 CZK 3
6 12,000–13,999 CZK 5
7 14,000–15,999 CZK 9
8 16,000–17,999 CZK 11
9 18,000–19,999 CZK 26
10 20,000–22,999 CZK 64
11 23,000–25,999 CZK 72
12 26,000–29,999 CZK 69
13 30000–34,999 CZK 95
14 35000–39,999 CZK 75
15 40000–49,999 CZK 113
16 50000–74,999 CZK 56
17 75000–99,999 CZK 13
18 100000 CZK or more 3
97 filter 402
98 Don’t know 44
99 Refused 339

Summary Statistics

Valid cases 1405
Missing cases 0
This variable is numeric

Interviewer Instructions

Filter: Only for those who live in the same household with another adult (B31A is greater than 1).
Please consult Card XX. One response only.


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