Dataset: Social Networks (ISSP 2017) - Czech Republic

Variable B28: Where would you put yourself on this scale?

Literal Question

In our society, there are groups which tend to be associated with a high social status and, in contrast, groups with a low social status. Where would you put yourself on this scale?

Values Categories N
1 1 = Low social status 31
2 2 34
3 3 130
4 4 190
5 5 480
6 6 275
7 7 179
8 8 57
9 9 10
10 10 = High social status 5
98 Don’t know 10
99 Refused 4

Summary Statistics

Valid cases 1405
Missing cases 0
This variable is numeric

Interviewer Instructions

Please consult CARD XX . One response only. Don't know - 98, refused- 99.


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