Dataset: Opinions on social changes - 1993, Czech Republic

Variable p84: worst position

Literal Question

What social group or groups have the worst living conditions in our society?

Values Categories
1 rich
2 middle property
3 poor
4 capitalists
5 petty entrepreneurs
6 employees
7 employees in big companies
8 politicians
9 managers
10 subordinates
11 ordinary people
12 intelligentsia
13 artists
14 workers
15 peasants
16 working people
17 unemployed
18 thieves
19 honesty people
20 upper class
21 middle class
22 lower class
23 pensioners
24 youth
25 families with children
26 uncomplete families with children
27 sick (unhealthy)
28 communists
29 people with connections
30 Gypsies
31 atractive jobs
32 businessmen
33 homeless
34 unsatisfied
35 unable
36 asocials

Summary Statistics

Valid cases 0
Missing cases 0
This variable is numeric


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