Dataset: Social and cultural cohesion (2005, 2006)

Variable c3d: Certain principles in life -Take care of oneself and one's closest

Literal Question

Every person follows certain principles in their life. Considering your life's experience, which of the following approaches to solving life situations would you prefer today?

Take care of oneself and one's closest
Do something for the others

Values Categories N
1 Rather the first approach 576
2 Spíše prvnímu přístupu 1123
3 Both approaches have their advantages 1433
4 Rather the second approach 256
5 Certainly the second approach 60

Summary Statistics

Valid cases 3448
Missing cases 20
Minimum 1.0
Maximum 5.0
This variable is numeric

Interviewer Instructions

Instruction: Present CARD C3. Circle corresponding answer in each line!


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