Dataset: Czech Household Panel Survey 1. wave - time use (children)

Variable t1_13_30_14_00: Activity 1 v 13.30-14.00

PreQuestion Text

How did you spend yesterday? Please mark in the table on the reverse side what you did at the different times yesterday. The table starts yesterday morning at six o'clock and ends this morning. It divides your day into half-hour parts. Draw a line in each cell that stands for the time and the activity you did at that time. This could be one or more activities, so there will be one or more lines in each column. If you did an activity for more than 30 minutes, draw a line across the cells that apply. If there were 30 minutes during which you did several activities one after another, mark them all, even if any of them took less than 30 minutes.

Literal Question

Activity 1 13.30-14.00

Values Categories N
1 Sleeping, resting (also falling asleep and getting up) 19
2 Personal care and hygiene (washing, brushing teeth, combing, 6
3 Eating (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack) 121
4 Travelling, commuting to/from school 71
5 Presence at school 178
6 Homework, preparing for school at home (studying...) 31
7 Spending time, chatting, playing with friends 107
8 Spending time, chatting, playing with family 50
9 Internet, e-mail, social networks (Facebook, Twitter...) 43
10 Gaming (on a computer, console, phone...) 30
11 Watching TV, DVDs, movies, videos 19
12 Listening to music, radio 15
13 Reading for enjoyment (not for school) 5
14 Playing with animals (also training, walking) 13
15 Doing sports, exercising (also training sessions, tournament 16
16 Extracurricular activities and preparing for them (music, th 7
17 Hobbies and other leisure activities (model building...) 8
18 Outing, walk (going outdoors, to a shopping centre, theatre. 20
19 Household chores (cleaning, preparing the meals, feeding ani 11
20 Shopping (for food, clothes...) 4
21 Job 8
98 ambiguous answer 0
99 no answer 22

Summary Statistics

Valid cases 782
Missing cases 22
This variable is numeric


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