Dataset: Czech Household Panel Survey 1. wave

Variable dwsat: I6. Satisfaction with the accommodation

Literal Question

If you were to assess, overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with your accommodation, how would you rate your satisfaction? Please answer using this card where 1 means very dissatisfied and 7 very satisfied.

Values Categories N
1 Very dissatisfied 77
2 2 104
3 3 308
4 4 689
5 5 1497
6 6 2020
7 Very satisfied 2415
88 Don’t know, can’t say 4
98 Missing or error value 0
99 Refused 4
Sysmiss 5965

Summary Statistics

Valid cases 7110
Missing cases 5973
This variable is numeric

Interviewer Instructions

Hand showcard Q6.


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