Dataset: Social Networks (ISSP 2017) - Czech Republic


The International Social Survey Program (ISSP) is a long-term international research project that has existed since 1983. This research project is based on international and cross-project collaboration in social research. It focuses on attitudes towards important societal issues. ISSP combines two levels of comparison - a comparison in an international and a time perspective. Research activities are carried out continuously in annual cycles.
The topics of Social Networks has been studied three times since the existence of the ISSP: in 1986, 2001 and 2017. The latest module has slightly changed its name to "Social Networks and Social Resources". Investigations are always partly a replication of previous studies. ISSP Social Networks modules essentially deal with issues, such as nature and contacts with family members and friends, participation in associations and groups, duties and rights in social networks and social trust.

Please note that this research is an English version / translation of materials from research "Sociální sítě (ISSP 2017) - Česká republika"   
The translation was supported by the project CSDA Research - Research programme of the Czech Social Science Data Archive reg. n. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001796 (Operational Programme Research, Development and Education).

Variable Groups

Full Title

Social Networks (ISSP 2017) - Czech Republic

Parallel Title

Sociální sítě (ISSP 2017) - Česká republika

Identification Number


Authoring Entity

Name Affiliation
Mgr. Jindřich Krejčí, Ph.D. Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences


Name Affiliation Abbreviation Role
Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences Czech Academy of Sciences SOU
MEDIAN, s. r. o MEDIAN data collection
Petra Šalamounová Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences CSDA data archiving, creating electronic codebook

Date of Production


Place of Production

Prague CZ:

Funding Agency/Sponsor

Name Abbreviation Role Grant
CSDA Research – Research programme of the Czech Social Science Data Archive: The participation of the Czech Republic in the International Social Survey Programme, Research on Data Quality and Data Sources MŠMT translation CZ.02.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001796
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (Czech Republic) MŠMT data archiving CZ.02.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001796

Data Distributor

Name Affiliation Abbreviation
The Czech Social Science Data Archive Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences CSDA


Name Affiliation Abbreviation
The Czech Social Science Data Archive Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences SOU AV CR

Date of Deposit


Date of Distribution


Series Name



Date: 2020-01-30

Type: version 1

Bibliographic Citation

Institute of Sociology (Czech Academy of Sciences). Social Network (ISSP 2017) - Czech Republic [dataset] [online]. Ver. 1.0. Prague: Czech Social Science Data Archive, 2019 [cited DATE]. DOI 10.14473/ISSP00025en

List of Keywords

Topic Classification

Time Period Covered

Start End Cycle
2017-09-20 2017-12-10

Date of Collection

Start End Cycle
2017-09-20 2017-12-10


Czech republic  (CZ)

Geographic Coverage

region of the Czech Republic

Geographic Unit


Unit of Analysis



population of the CR older than 18 years

Kind of Data

Survey data

Time Method


Data Collector

Sampling Procedure

Three-level stratification probability sampling

Register of Census Districts and Buildings of the Czech Statistical Office from the beginning of the year 2017 was used for collecting information regarding complete number of buildings in the Czech Republic and the number of people living in these buildings.

Mode of Data Collection

Standardised face-to-face interview

Type of Research Instrument


Characteristics of Data Collection Situation

Interviewing at home


Post-statification weights were created based on the sampling's probability

Data Set Availability

Media online


Availability Status

Available for download by users registered at Czech Social Science Data Archive.


For non-commercial use only.

Related Materials


Technical Information

Study monitoring questionnaire


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