Dataset: Work Orientations (ISSP 1997) - Czech Republic


The ISSP is a continuing annual programme of cross-national collaboration on surveys covering topics important for social science research. It brings together pre-existing social science projects and coordinates research goals, thereby adding a cross-national, cross-cultural perspective to the individual national studies. In the Czech Republic it was organised in the frame of the Social Trends research project, which was sponsored by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic. The ISSP module covered following topics: 1: General attitudes to work and leisure: work vs. Leisure, work ethic, work and personality, effects of unemployment. 2. Work organisation: self-employment, private vs. State sector, getting ahead. 3. Collective interests: trade unions. 4. Social inequality. Beside the module on Work Orientations II, the questionnaire also included questions about changes in respondents’ work after 1989, factors resulting into income inequality, specific questions about getting ahead, and demographic characteristics of the respondent. Demographic characteristics are in Czech-specific form.

Variable Groups

Full Title

Work Orientations (ISSP 1997) - Czech Republic


full version

Parallel Title

Pracovní orietace (ISSP 1997) - Česká republika

Identification Number


Authoring Entity

Name Affiliation
Mateju. Petr Sociological Data Archive, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences


Name Affiliation Abbreviation Role
Institute of sociology Czech Academy of Sciences SOU

Date of Production


Place of Production

Prague CZ:

Funding Agency/Sponsor

Name Abbreviation Role Grant
Czech Science Foundation GACR 403/96/K120

Data Distributor

Name Affiliation Abbreviation
Sociological Data Archive Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences SDA


Name Affiliation Abbreviation
Institute of Sociology Czech Academy of Sciences SOU

Series Name


Series Information

The ISSP is a continuing annual programme of cross-national collaboration on surveys covering topics important for social science research. It brings together pre-existing social science projects and coordinates research goals, thereby adding a cross-national, cross-cultural perspective to the individual national studies.

Bibliographic Citation

Institute of Sociology (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic). Work Orientations (ISSP 1997) - Czech Republic [dataset] [online]. Ver. 1.0. Prague: Czech Social Science Data Archive, 2005 [cited DATE]. DOI 10.14473/ ISSP00006en

List of Keywords

Topic Classification

Time Period Covered

Start End Cycle
1997-09 1997-12

Date of Collection

Start End Cycle
1997-10-20 1997-11-07
1997-11-21 1997-12-31


Czech Republic  (CZ)

Geographic Coverage

Teritorry of Czech Republic

Geographic Unit


Unit of Analysis



Adult population of the Czech Republic older than 18 years of age.

Kind of Data

Survey data

Time Method


Data Collector

STEM - Center for Empirical Studies, Prague.  (STEM)

Sampling Procedure

Three-stage random stratified sample. The basic sample unit was the household. Sampling Frame: VAKUS Database which includes every household paying for electricity, gas, TV or radio (approx. 5.5 mil. households). The database is structured by regions (see the variable CZ_REG). Sampling Process: First stage: Selection of the 100 largest settlements (cities and towns) in the Czech Republic. For every city/town on the list a random sampling of addresses was made to select a number of people corresponding the share of the city/town population in the entire population of the Czech Republic. Second stage: Random selection of addresses from other settlements up to the total size of the sample. Third stage: a) Preparation of the list of all adult members (older than 18) in every contacted household. b) Selection of the respondent according the date of birth (the person with the closest birthday). If the selected respondent was not present, the interviewer had to make two other attempts to contact him/her. The replacement by the person with the second closest birthday was allowed only in case of a long term absence (one month and more) of the respondent first selected.

Mode of Data Collection

Standardized face-to-face interview. Trained interviewers of STEM. Before the interviewer's visit, all respondents (or their households) were notified by a letter asking for their cooperation.

Type of Research Instrument

standardised questionnaire

Characteristics of Data Collection Situation

Interviewing at home


No weights were produced.

Cleaning Operations

Wildcode checking.

Response Rate


Data Set Availability

Media online


Availability Status

Available for download by users registered at Czech Social Science Data Archive.


For non-commercial use only.

Related Materials


Technical information

Krejci, Jindrich 2000. Work Orientations (ISSP 1997) - Czech Republic: full version for ISSP archive [technical information] Technical information contains short abstract, response rate, information about representativity and some other information mentioned in the XML DDI codebook.

ISSP 1997 Questionary

Full questionary (czech language).

ISSP 1997 Showcards

All showcards used in data collection process (czech language).


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