Dataset: Research on Czech Political Parties - 2013 - Expert and Non-Expert Survey

Variable Q33_4: ODS: Former communists - POSITION OF PARTIES

Literal Question

Former communists - POSITION OF PARTIES

Values Categories N
1 1 - Former communist party officials same rights and opportunities as other citizens to participate in public life 1
2 2 1
3 3 0
4 4 0
5 5 2
6 6 0
7 7 1
8 8 0
9 9 2
10 10 2
11 11 3
12 12 2
13 13 6
14 14 4
15 15 4
16 16 7
17 17 11
18 18 10
19 19 6
20 20 - Former communist party officials should be kept out of public life as far as possible 12
9999 113

Summary Statistics

Valid cases 74
Missing cases 113
This variable is numeric


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