Dataset: Volunteering 2009

Variable q61b: Do jaké míry považujete následující skupiny za důležitou součást okruhu lidí, s nimiž jste v kontaktu: Sousedé a část obce, kde nyní žijete

Literal Question

Now I am going to ask you about your inclusion in the society. How important do you find these groups as parts of the circle of people you are in touch with?
neighbours and your current neighbourhood

Values Categories N
1 highly important 960
2 quite important 1824
3 slightly important 815
4 not at all important 182
8 don’t know (do not prompt) 18
9 no answer (do not prompt) 12

Summary Statistics

Valid cases 3811
Missing cases 0
Minimum 1.0
Maximum 9.0
This variable is numeric


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