Dataset: Volunteering 2009

Variable q46c: Když se cítím osamělý(á), na síti je několik lidí, s nimiž si mohu promluvit

Literal Question

Regarding your activity in online discussion groups or in an online community, how much do you agree or disagree with each of these statements?
c. Online, there are a few people I can talk to when I feel lonely.

Values Categories N
1 agree strongly 103
2 agree 154
3 neither agree nor disagree 43
4 disagree 25
5 disagree strongly 16
8 don’t know (do not prompt) 2
9 no answer (do not prompt) 4

Summary Statistics

Valid cases 347
Missing cases 3464
Minimum 1.0
Maximum 9.0
This variable is numeric


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