Dataset: Volunteering 2009

Variable q10: Do jaké oblasti patří ta nezisková organizace, kterou z hlediska vaší dobrovolné práce považujete pro vás za nejdůležitější?

Literal Question

What is the field of activity of the non-profit organization you consider the most important in terms of your volunteering?

Values Categories N
1 Cultural organizations 117
2 Sports club or association 143
3 Traditional leisure clubs 144
4 Women’s organizations 40
5 Youth organizations 46
6 Other recreation or leisure organizations, associations and 35
7 Education and research 33
8 Health care organizations 59
9 Social service organizations 68
10 Organizations protecting the environment or animal rights 52
11 Volunteer firefighters 139
12 Organizations protecting rights and interests 17
13 Political organizations 17
14 Foundations, promotion of volunteering and philanthropy medi 35
15 Churches and religious organizations 74
16 Trade union 19
17 Professional or trade association 7
18 Another organization similar to the above 16
19 Unclear - more options 35

Summary Statistics

Valid cases 1096
Missing cases 2715
Minimum 1.0
Maximum 19.0
This variable is numeric


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