Jeu de données: Our Society 2018 - June

Variable PL.38_1: PL.38_1 contribute to the total amount of the thrown away food - 1.

Question littérale

Please, sort the following options from 1 to 5, depending on how you think they contribute to the total amount of the thrown away food? (1 means the most, 5 means the least, NO NUMBER SHALL BE REPEATED).

Valeurs Catégories N
1 Households 58
2 Production (e.g. farmers) 44
3 Eating out (restaurants, etc.) 66
4 Wholesale and retail trade 124
5 Manufacturing industry 55
9 7
7 refused to anwer 0
Sysmiss 724

Statistiques sommaires

Cas valides 354
Cas manquants 724
Cette variable est numérique


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