In what year did you first become:
A shareholder in a housing cooperative with the right to live in a coop flat (with your name listed in the contract)?
Valeurs | Catégories | N |
888888 | Don’t know, can’t say | 105 |
999996 | I have never been a shareholder | 5245 |
999997 | Inapplicable | 0 |
999998 | Missing or error value | 0 |
999999 | Refused | 27 |
Cas valides | 1741 |
Cas manquants | 11342 |
Minimum | 1953.0 |
Maximum | 2015.0 |
Moyenne | 1989.746 |
Écart type | 14.738 |
Cette variable est numérique |
In the following questions 91 to 144, the respondent should talk about the parents they mostly grew up with during their childhood, no matter whether biological, adoptive, step or foster parents. If there was no father/mother in the family they grew up in, the respondent should refer to their biological father/mother.
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