Jeu de données: Czech Household Panel Survey 2. wave - contact forms

Variable refusal: Reason for refusal

Question littérale

Reason for refusal

Valeurs Catégories N
1 Not enough time (household members are occupied all the time 42
2 Bad timing, special occasion in the household (e.g., leaving 17
3 Lack of interest/ distrust towards researches in general 123
4 Recently took part in some other research 0
5 Previous bad experience with research 4
6 Lack of interest for the topic of the research 22
7 Distrust towards this research (not enough information, does 3
8 Concern regarding a lack of anonymity/ information misuse / 8
9 Lack of motivation - small reward 3
10 Strach z tazatele (strach otevrit, strach z podomniho prodej 1
11 Some member of the household forbidd to take part 27
12 Other, fill in 2
13 Refused without providing a reason 37
97 filter 4799
99 Not identified 21

Statistiques sommaires

Cas valides 289
Cas manquants 4820
Cette variable est numérique


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