Jeu de données: History 2010

Variable q5: Které z historických období nejzajímavější

Question littérale

Please state which of the historical eras on CARD 5 you personally find the most interesting.

Valeurs Catégories N
1 Ancient Egypt 202
2 Antiquity, ancient Greece and Rome 227
3 Middle-age Europe 68
4 The Hussite era 91
5 The Age of Discovery 77
6 The Battle of White Mountain and its aftermath 32
7 Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries 22
8 Czech national revival 70
9 Europe in the 19th century 43
10 World War I 28
11 Czechoslovakia between the world wars 104
12 World War II 176
13 The post-1945 era 134
14 Any other historical eras – specify 23
Sysmiss 94

Statistiques sommaires

Cas valides 1365
Cas manquants 94
Cette variable est numérique

Instructions à l'interviewer

Instruction: Present CARD 5!


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