Jeu de données: History 2010

Variable q23: Mělo by se o českých dějinách vždy hovořit tak, abychom mohl

Question littérale

Should one always talk about Czech history in a way that we as Czechs can be proud of it, or should one talk about those things in Czech history we cannot be proud of as well?

Valeurs Catégories N
1 Definitely talk in a way that we can be proud of our history 236
2 Rather talk in a way that we can be proud of our history 494
3 Rather talk about things we cannot be proud of as well 398
4 Definitely talk about things we cannot be proud of as well 288
Sysmiss 4

Statistiques sommaires

Cas valides 1455
Cas manquants 4
Cette variable est numérique


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