Jeu de données: Economic Expectations and Attitudes 6 (1993)


The research focuses on attitudes concerning the central problems of economic transformation (speed of economic reforms, poverty, social justice, role of the state in the economy, privatization, etc.). Besides these attitudes, the financial situation of households and the occupation of household members are also regularly assessed. The survey also covers the most important political issues, such as voting preference, political identification (self-placement on a left-right scale), trust in institutions, satisfaction with the political regime, attitude towards the 'strong hand' of the government, and the openness of the economy in general. A large number of the questions are repeated every year to enable analyses of change in attitudes over time.


Economic Expectations and Attitudes 6 (1993)

Numéro d'identification



Nom Affiliation
Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences


Nom Affiliation Abréviation: Rôle
Institute of Sociology Czech Academy of Sciences SOU

Date de production


Lieu de production

Prague CZ:

Distributeur des données

Nom Affiliation Abréviation:
Sociological Data Archive, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences SDA


Nom Affiliation Abréviation:
Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences Czech Academy of Sciences SOU

Nom de la série


Citation bibliographique

Institute of Sociology (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic). Economic Expectations and Attitudes 6 (1993) [dataset] [online]. Ver. 1.0. Prague: Czech Social Science Data Archive, 2005 [cited DATE]. DOI 10.14473/CSDA00030en

Liste des mot-clés

Classification des sujets

Période de temps couverte

Début Fin Cycle
1993-01 1993-01

Date de collection

Début Fin Cycle
1993-11 1993-11


Czech Republic and Slovak Republic (Czechoslovakia)  (CZ)

Étendue géographique

Teritorry of Czech Republic and Slovak Republic (Czechoslovakia)

Unité géographique


Unité d'analyse



Popuation of CR and SR older than 18 years of age.

Type de données

Survey data

Méthode temporelle


Collecteur des données

Center for empirical studies. Prague  (STEM)

Procédure d'échantillonnage

Two-stage quota sample. Stage one: localities Stage two: quota sample of individuals - education, age

Mode de collecte des données

Standardized face-to-face interview.

Type d'instrument de recherche

standardised questionnaire

Caractéristiques de la situation de la collecte de données

Interviewing at home


No weights were produced.

Opérations de nettoyage

Wildcode checking.

Disponibilité du jeu de données

Média online



Available for download by users registered at Czech Social Science Data Archive.


For non-commercial use only.

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