Jeu de données: 24 hours before elections to Senate, CZ 1996


Available dataset results from two surveys conducted on the panel of respondents. First survey was fielded during the period of 48 hours before the first round of election for the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic in 1996, the second survey was conducted during the period of 24 hours before the second round. The results were aired on Czech television as a part of electoral news.


24 hours before elections to Senate, CZ 1996

Numéro d'identification



Nom Affiliation
Aktuel Prague, under supervision of SC&C SC&C


Nom Affiliation Abréviation: Rôle
Aktuel Prague data collector

Date de production


Distributeur des données

Nom Affiliation Abréviation:
SDA - Sociological Data Archive Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic SDA

Personne contact

Nom Affiliation Adresse courriel Identification de ressource universelle
SC&C s.r.o. Praha


Nom Affiliation Abréviation:
SC&C s.r.o. Praha

Citation bibliographique

SC&C spol.s.r.o.(Praha). 24 hours before elections to Senates, CZ 1996  [dataset] [online]. Ver. 1.0. Prague: Czech Social Science Data Archive, 2010 [cited DATE]. DOI 10.14473/CSDA00075en

Information sur la détention

AVAILABILITY: category C - available only with the written permition of the depositor

Localisation: SC&C

Liste des mot-clés

Classification des sujets


Czech Republic  (CZ)

Étendue géographique

Czech Republic

Unité d'analyse



Adult population (over 18) in the Czech Republic.

Procédure d'échantillonnage

Number of units: 1 174 cases

Probability-stratified sample on the base of regional and political segmentation prepared by SC&C. Cluster sampling of localities. Selection of individuals - random walk with quote ending (sex, age, education).

Data were collected from November 15 to November 16, 1996 and from November 22 to November 23, 1996

Mode de collecte des données

Standardised face-to-face interview.


Available for download by users registered at Czech Social Science Data Archive.


For non-commercial use only.


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