The survey was conducted during the voting period of the Czechoslovakian Parliamentary Elections in 1992 with the aim to prepare election prognosis, which was aired on Czechoslovak Television after the end of the elections on Saturday, 6 June.
Exit Poll 1992
Czech Republic 1992
data are not available via NESSTAR
Nom | Affiliation |
INFAS (Germany), IVVM (Institute for Public Opinion Research, Prague), and FACTUM (Prague). |
Nom | Affiliation | Abréviation: | Rôle |
INFAS (Germany), IVVM (Institute for Public Opinion Research, Prague), and FACTUM (Prague). | SCC |
Prague CZ:
Nom | Abréviation: | Rôle | Soumission |
Funding Agency: CSTV - Czechoslovak Television |
Nom | Affiliation | Abréviation: |
Sociological Data Archive, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences | SDA |
Nom | Affiliation | Abréviation: |
SCC spol.s.r.o., Prague | SOU |
INFAS (Germany). Czech Statistical Office. Institute for Public Opinion Research. Factum (Prague). Exit Poll 1992 [dataset] [online]. Ver. 1.0. Prague: Czech Social Science Data Archive, 2005 [cited DATE]. DOI 10.14473/CSDA50001en
Survey data
Anonymous questionnaire administrated by respondent. Respondents were contacted outside voting stations of selected polling districts. Administrated questionnaires were collected into a copy of the ballot box.
Standardised questionary
The data should be weighted. There are two weights constructed on the bases of final results of the election to Czech National Council - wghtk on the base of results in districts; wghts on the base of results in the whole Czech Republic.
Wildcode checking.
Média online
Available for download by users registered at Czech Social Science Data Archive.
For non-commercial use only.
Krejci, Jindrich 2000. Exit Poll 1992: Czech Republic 1992 [technical information] Technical information contains short abstract and some other information mentioned in the XML DDI codebook.
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