Jeu de données: Exit Poll 1996


The survey was conducted during the voting period of the Czech parliamentary elections to the Chamber of Deputies in 1996, with the aim to prepare election prognosis, which was aired on Czech Television after the end of the elections.


Exit Poll 1996


Czech Republic 1996

Titre alternatif

data are not available via NESSTAR

Numéro d'identification



Nom Affiliation
IFES (Austria) and SCC spol. s r. o. (Prague).


Nom Affiliation Abréviation: Rôle
IFES (Austria) and SCC spol. s r. o. (Prague). SCC

Date de production


Lieu de production

Prague CZ:

Distributeur des données

Nom Affiliation Abréviation:
Sociological Data Archive, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences SDA


Nom Affiliation Abréviation:
SCC spol.s.r.o., Prague SOU

Citation bibliographique

IFES (Rakousko). SC&C spol.s.r.o. (Praha). Exit Poll 1996 [dataset] [online]. Ver. 1.0. Prague: Czech Social Science Data Archive, 2005 [cited DATE]. DOI 10.14473/CSDA00073en

Liste des mot-clés

Classification des sujets


Czech Republic  (CZ)

Étendue géographique

Territory of the Czech Republic

Unité géographique


Unité d'analyse



Voters who participated in the elections. (Every citizen of CSFR who had reached the age of 18 and was in CSFR on the polling day was entitled to vote.)

Type de données

Survey data

Méthode temporelle


Collecteur des données

Aktuel (Prague) under supervision of SCC.

Procédure d'échantillonnage

1) Probability stratified sampling of the polling districts. 2) Systematic selection of respondents - random start and given sampling interval.

Mode de collecte des données

Anonymous questionnaire administrated by respondent. Respondents were contacted outside voting stations of selected polling districts. Administrated questionnaires were collected into a copy of the ballot box.

Type d'instrument de recherche

Standardised questionary

Opérations de nettoyage

Wildcode checking.

Disponibilité du jeu de données

Média online



Available for download by users registered at Czech Social Science Data Archive.


For non-commercial use only.

Matériel relié

Krejci, Jindrich 2000. Exit Poll 1996 : Czech Republic 1996 [technical information] Technical information contains short abstract and some other information mentioned in the XML DDI codebook.


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