Jeu de données: Religion (ISSP 1998) - Czech Republic


The ISSP is a continuing annual programme of cross-national collaboration on surveys covering topics important for social science research. It brings together pre-existing social science projects and coordinates research goals, thereby adding a cross-national, cross-cultural perspective to the individual national studies. The ISSP 1998 on Religion 11 was devoted to influence of religion to social, political and ethic attitudes. Topics of questions: respondents religion and church attendance, religious socialisation, religious experiences and feelings, beliefs (images of god, afterlife, miracles, etc.), happiness, welfare, crime, sexual morality, abortion, gender roles, financial cheating, church and politics, confidence in institutions, basis of Right and Wrong and demographic characteristics. Czech-specific questions attached at the end of ISSP module concern mainly religious life in the Czech Republic, personalities of church in the Czech Republic, knowledge of The Bible and religious practises, political importance of church and religion and social inequality.


Religion (ISSP 1998) - Czech Republic


full version

Titre parallèle

Náboženství (ISSP 1998) - Česká republika

Numéro d'identification



Nom Affiliation
Plecita, Klara Sociological Data Archive, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences


Nom Affiliation Abréviation: Rôle
Institute of sociology Czech Academy of Sciences SOU

Date de production


Lieu de production

Prague CZ:


Nom Abréviation: Rôle Soumission
Czech Science Foundation GACR 403/99/1129

Distributeur des données

Nom Affiliation Abréviation:
Sociological Data Archive Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences SDA


Nom Affiliation Abréviation:
Institute of Sociology Czech Academy of Sciences SOU

Nom de la série


Information sur la série

The ISSP is a continuing annual programme of cross-national collaboration on surveys covering topics important for social science research. It brings together pre-existing social science projects and coordinates research goals, thereby adding a cross-national, cross-cultural perspective to the individual national studies.

Citation bibliographique

Institute of Sociology (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic). Religion (ISSP 1998) - Czech Republic [dataset] [online]. Ver. 1.0. Prague: Czech Social Science Data Archive, 2005 [cited DATE]. DOI 10.14473/ ISSP00007en

Liste des mot-clés

Classification des sujets

Période de temps couverte

Début Fin Cycle
1999-07 1999-08

Date de collection

Début Fin Cycle
1999-07-18 1999-08-27


Czech Republic  (CZ)

Étendue géographique

Teritorry of Czech Republic

Unité géographique


Unité d'analyse



Adults 18 years of age and older permanently residing in the Czech Republic.

Type de données

Survey data

Méthode temporelle


Collecteur des données

Statistical Consultations and Computing, Prague.  (SCC)

Procédure d'échantillonnage

Three-stage random stratified sample. Stratification factor were regions, the basic sample unit was household. Stages: 1. Random sample of 150 election districts. 2. Preparation of the list of all households in each district. Random selection of households in each district. 3. Random selection of respondent (Kish grid).

Mode de collecte des données

Standardised face-to-face interview

Type d'instrument de recherche

standardised questionnaire

Caractéristiques de la situation de la collecte de données

Interviewing at home


Total weight is constructed from: 1. design weights based on proportion of household sizes, and 2. post-stratification weights based on sex (male-female), education (primary-vocational-secondary-university), and distribution of age (18-29, 30-44, 45-59, 60+). The weights were prepared on the base of Microcensus 1996. Microcensus surveys are income surveys based on 1-2 percent sample of households which are regularly repeated every 3-5 years since 1958. The Microcensus 1996 was conducted by the Czech Statistical Office on a 1 percent random sample of households in March 1997.

Opérations de nettoyage

Wildcode checking.

Taux de réponse


Disponibilité du jeu de données

Média online



Available for non-commercial research and education under standard conditions. Data are available online without any restriction.

Etendue de la collecte

1 data file + 1 questionary + 1 cards + 1 codebook + 1 technical information

Nombre de fichiers


Déclaration de confidentialité

Exigence de citation

The users should acknowledge in any publication both the original depositors and the Archive.

Matériel relié


Technical information

Krejci, Jindrich 2000. Religion (ISSP 1998) - Czech Republic: full version for ISSP archive [technical information] Technical information contains short abstract, response rate, information about representativity and some other information mentioned in the XML DDI codebook.

ISSP 1998 Questionary

Full questionary (czech language).

ISSP 1998 Showcards

All showcards used in data collection process (czech language).


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