Jeu de données: Religion (ISSP 2018) - Czech Republic

Variable A13_a_qst: Allow extremists to - Hold public meetings to express their views

Question littérale

There are some people whose views are considered extreme by the majority of others. Consider religious extremists, that is people who believe that their religion is the only true faith and all other religions should be considered as enemies. Do you think such people should be allowed to...
a. Hold public meetings to express their views?

Valeurs Catégories N
1 Yes, definitely 58
2 Yes, probably 200
3 Probably not 453
4 Definitely not 650
8 Can’t choose 35
9 Don’t want to say 11

Statistiques sommaires

Cas valides 1361
Cas manquants 46
Cette variable est numérique

Instructions à l'interviewer

Instruction: Present Card 8. One response only!


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