Jeu de données: Social Networks (ISSP 2017) - Czech Republic

Variable Q51A: A) Would you say about yourself that you are someone who...

Question littérale

We would like to know how you see yourself. How would you describe yourself using the following scales covering different characteristics? 1 means that it is rather the first description that applies to you, 10 means that it is rather the other one.
a. Would you say about yourself that you are someone who...
1... is communicative, likes to go out, feels good around people, demands constant attention, and stands out in terms of being seen and heard, or...
or 10... is rather reserved, enjoys privacy, dislikes receiving too much attention, and feels shy around strangers

Valeurs Catégories N
1 1 172
2 164
3 247
4 173
5 259
6 87
7 119
8 90
9 41
10 10 40
98 Don’t know 10
99 Refused 3

Statistiques sommaires

Cas valides 1405
Cas manquants 0
Cette variable est numérique

Instructions à l'interviewer

Please consult Card ..
tick only one value for each statement, don't know = 98, refused = 99


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