Jeu de données: Social Networks (ISSP 2017) - Czech Republic

Variable B20A: How many hours weekly, on average, does your partner or husband/wife work for pay in his/her occupation and, if applicable, other jobs, including overtime?

Question littérale

How many hours weekly, on average, does your partner or husband/wife work for pay in his/her occupation and, if applicable, other jobs, including overtime?

Valeurs Catégories N
0 9
8 4
12 2
14 1
15 1
20 2
22 1
24 2
25 2
30 10
35 5
36 1
38 3
40 254
42 67
43 9
44 2
45 40
46 1
47 2
48 8
50 79
52 1
55 13
60 31
65 3
67 1
70 2
75 1
997 filter 798
998 Don’t know 38
999 Refused 12

Statistiques sommaires

Cas valides 1405
Cas manquants 0
Minimum 0.0
Maximum 999.0
Cette variable est numérique

Instructions à l'interviewer

Filter: Only for respondents whose partners are currently in paid work (B17 = 1 or 2; B19 = 1).
Round to integer number of hours and record number in box. If partner works for several employers or is employed and simultaneously self-employed, refer to average total weekly number of hours worked. Don't know - 998, refused - 999, Maximum 168


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