Jeu de données: Opinions on social changes - 1993, Czech Republic

Variable p78g: image of society-soc.origin

Question littérale

In your opinion, what does the position of a man in our society (e.g. position at work, life standard, opportunity to influence public affairs, esteem, etc.) depend on? Evaluate the following items from this point of view. We ask the question in the same way as it was asked in the survey 10 years ago to compare the answers.
One's position depends on:
What is his/her social origin (what social class or stratum his/her parents belonged to)

Valeurs Catégories N
1 certainly yes 191
2 rather yes 486
3 rather no 740
4 certainly no 473
7 12

Statistiques sommaires

Cas valides 1890
Cas manquants 12
Cette variable est numérique


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