Jeu de données: Opinions on social changes - 1993, Czech Republic

Variable p45p: private enterprising-spouse

Question littérale

What is your spouse´s relation to private enterprising?

He/she already runs his/her own business as his/her main working activity
He/she already runs her own business but only as a secondary activity
He/she is preparing to run his/her own business
He/she is seriously considering to start his/her own business
He/she thinks about it but she/he is not sure yet
He/she rather will not run his/her own business
He/she certainly will not run her/his own business
He/she has never thought about it

Valeurs Catégories
1 main working activity
2 secondary activity
3 preparing to
4 seriously considering
5 not sure yet
6 rather will not
7 certainly will not
8 never thought about

Statistiques sommaires

Cas valides 0
Cas manquants 0
Cette variable est numérique


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