Jeu de données: Volunteering 2009

Variable q1b_7: Daroval(a) jste v uplynulých 12 měsících nějaký peněžní nebo nepeněžní dar: Vzdělávání a výzkum

Question littérale

First I would like to ask you about voluntary work for voluntary non-profit organizations such as civic associations, foundations or public benefit corporations. Please pick from the following list of voluntary non-profit organizations that or those:
b) to which you have given a financial or material donation over the past 12 months
Education and research (including school-affiliated parents' clubs or school boards)

Valeurs Catégories N
7 Education and research 51

Statistiques sommaires

Cas valides 51
Cas manquants 3760
Minimum 7.0
Maximum 7.0
Cette variable est numérique


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