Jeu de données: Volunteering 2009

Variable q18: Která z následujících činností nejlépe vystihuje charakter vaší neplacené práce pro tuto organizaci?

Question littérale

Which of the following activities best describes your unpaid work for the organization?

Valeurs Catégories N
1 Committee or board membership 109
2 Assistance in the organization’s operation or in fulfilling 469
3 Protection, care and advocacy for groups of people, the envi 167
4 Providing services to clients on the premises of the organis 101
5 Direct personal help to individuals in their households, on 105
6 Other 137

Statistiques sommaires

Cas valides 1132
Cas manquants 2679
Minimum 1.0
Maximum 9.0
Cette variable est numérique


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