Dataset: Rodina II (ISSP 1994) - Česká republika

Variable isco3rl: Occup.resp.last,3 digits ISCO88

Values Categories N
-7 dont know 96
-1 still works 763
11 1
121 1
122 2
123 3
131 7
211 2
213 1
214 6
222 2
233 8
235 1
242 1
243 1
245 3
311 9
312 1
313 1
315 2
321 3
322 1
323 10
331 3
341 3
343 17
344 3
347 1
411 6
412 8
413 6
414 1
419 5
421 1
422 5
512 8
513 1
514 2
516 1
522 15
611 2
612 6
614 1
711 2
712 6
713 2
722 10
723 8
724 3
731 1
732 3
741 5
742 4
743 13
751 1
811 2
812 1
813 1
817 1
821 1
826 4
829 8
831 3
832 6
833 2
913 11
914 1
915 3
921 5
931 1
932 2
933 1
999 2
Sysmiss 18

Summary Statistics

Valid cases 1139
Missing cases 18
Minimum -7.0
Maximum 999.0
This variable is numeric


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