Do you currently work in the field of your completed education? Does your current job:
Verdiar | Kategoriar | N | |||
1 | Match the field of your highest-level education | 917 |
2 | Match a neighbouring field of your highest-level education | 406 |
3 | Match a field you studied at lower levels | 276 |
4 | Match the field of an adult education course | 95 |
5 | Does not match any of the above fields and requires | 270 |
6 | My job does not require any specific qualification | 614 |
Gyldige tilfelle | 2578 |
Manglande tilfelle | 890 |
Minimum | 1.0 |
Maksimum | 6.0 |
Denne variabelen er numerisk |
Instruction: Present CARD G7!
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