Datasett: Social and cultural cohesion (2005, 2006)

Variabel g9: To what extent can you work with a computer?


To what extent can you work with a computer?

Verdiar Kategoriar N
1 I fully command work with computers, I can install additional software, troubleshoot 365
2 I can use main user applications 696
3 I can use what is essential for my job 504
4 I am still just learning with computers 193
5 I only use computers for fun (gaming, internet, chat) 148
6 Not at all 1544

Oppsummert statistikk

Gyldige tilfelle 3450
Manglande tilfelle 18
Minimum 1.0
Maksimum 6.0
Denne variabelen er numerisk

Instruksjonar til intervjuaren

Instruction: Present CARD G9!

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