Using this card, could you choose one main reason why you are somewhat dissatisfied with your accommodation?
Verdiar | Kategoriar | N | |||
1 | Small flat, poor layout | 85 |
2 | Too dark, not enough light | 8 |
3 | Poor heating | 29 |
4 | Dampness | 26 |
5 | Bad neighbourhood (relations with neighbours, frequent noise | 147 |
6 | High housing costs | 28 |
7 | I do not own the flat | 58 |
8 | Other | 94 |
88 | Don’t know, can’t say | 9 | |||
97 | Inapplicable | 6629 | |||
98 | Missing or error value | 0 | |||
99 | Refused | 5 | |||
Sysmiss | 5965 |
Gyldige tilfelle | 475 |
Manglande tilfelle | 12608 |
Denne variabelen er numerisk |
Hand showcard Q7.
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