Verdier |
Kategorier |
N |
-9 |
96 |
-8 |
refused |
20 |
-1 |
still works |
763 |
1125 |
local government officials - non-nomeklatura |
1 |
1211 |
directors & chief executives |
1 |
1221 |
department managers agricul., hunting, forestry & fishing |
1 |
1223 |
department managers construction |
1 |
1231 |
finance & administration department managers |
3 |
1314 |
general managers wholesale & retail trade |
4 |
1319 |
general managers nec |
2 |
2111 |
physicists & astronomers |
1 |
2114 |
geologists & geophysicists |
1 |
2132 |
computer programmers |
1 |
2142 |
civil engineers |
3 |
2145 |
mechanical engineers |
2 |
2149 |
architects engineers etc. professionals nec |
1 |
2221 |
medical doctors |
1 |
2229 |
health professionals except nursing nec |
1 |
2320 |
secondary education teaching professionals |
6 |
2331 |
primary education teaching professionals |
4 |
2332 |
pre-primary education teaching professionals |
4 |
2352 |
school inspectors |
1 |
2429 |
legal professionals nec |
1 |
2432 |
librarians etc. information professionals |
1 |
2452 |
sculptors, painters etc. artists |
2 |
2455 |
film, stage etc. actors & directors |
1 |
3111 |
chemical & physical science technicians |
2 |
3112 |
civil engineering technicians |
3 |
3113 |
electrical engineering technicians |
1 |
3115 |
mechanical engineering technicians |
1 |
3118 |
draughtspersons |
1 |
3119 |
physical & engineering science technicians nec |
1 |
3122 |
computer equipment operators |
1 |
3139 |
optical & electronic equipment operators nec |
1 |
3152 |
safety, health & quality inspectors |
2 |
3211 |
life science technicians |
2 |
3212 |
agronomy & forestry technicians |
1 |
3226 |
physiotherapists etc. associate professionals |
1 |
3231 |
nursing associate professionals |
9 |
3232 |
midwifery associate professionals |
1 |
3310 |
primary education teaching associate professionals |
3 |
3411 |
securities & finance dealers & brokers |
1 |
3415 |
technical & commercial sales representatives |
1 |
3419 |
finance & sales associate professionals nec |
1 |
3431 |
administrative secretaries etc. associate professionals |
2 |
3433 |
bookkeepers |
6 |
3439 |
administrative associate professionals nec |
9 |
3443 |
government social benefits officials |
2 |
3449 |
customs tax etc. government associate professionals nec |
1 |
3471 |
decorators & commercial designers |
1 |
4111 |
stenographers & typists |
4 |
4112 |
word-processor etc. operators |
2 |
4121 |
accounting & bookkeeping clerks |
8 |
4131 |
stock clerks |
5 |
4133 |
transport clerks |
1 |
4142 |
mail carriers & sorting clerks |
1 |
4190 |
other office clerks |
5 |
4211 |
cashiers & ticket clerks |
1 |
4222 |
receptionists & information clerks |
1 |
4223 |
telephone switchboard operators |
4 |
5122 |
cooks |
6 |
5123 |
waiters waitresses & bartenders |
2 |
5132 |
institution-based personal care workers |
1 |
5141 |
hairdressers barbers beauticians etc. workers |
2 |
5162 |
police officers |
1 |
5164 |
soldiers |
1 |
5220 |
shop salespersons & demonstrators |
15 |
6100 |
farm foremen and supervisors |
1 |
6111 |
field crop & vegetable growers |
1 |
6113 |
gardeners, horticultural & nursery growers |
1 |
6121 |
dairy & livestock producers |
6 |
6141 |
forestry workers & loggers |
1 |
7111 |
miners & quarry workers |
1 |
7113 |
stone splitters cutters & carvers |
1 |
7121 |
builders traditional materials |
3 |
7129 |
building frame etc. trades workers nec |
1 |
7136 |
plumbers & pipe fitters |
1 |
7137 |
building etc. electricians |
1 |
7221 |
blacksmiths hammer-smiths & forgingpress workers |
1 |
7222 |
tool-makers etc. workers |
9 |
7231 |
motor vehicle mechanics & fitters |
2 |
7233 |
agricultural- or industrial-machinery mechanics & fitters |
1 |
7241 |
electrical mechanics & fitters |
1 |
7242 |
electronics fitters |
1 |
7245 |
electrical line installers repairers & cable jointers |
1 |
7311 |
precision-instrument makers & repairers |
1 |
7321 |
abrasive wheel formers poners etc. workers |
1 |
7322 |
glass-makers cutters grinders & finishers |
1 |
7324 |
glass ceramics etc. decorative painters |
1 |
7412 |
bakers pastry-cooks & confectionery make rs |
3 |
7414 |
fruit, vegetable etc. preservers |
1 |
7422 |
cabinet-makers etc. workers |
3 |
7432 |
weavers knitters etc. workers |
2 |
7433 |
tailors dressmakers & hatters |
3 |
7436 |
sewers embroiderers etc. workers |
8 |
7510 |
non-farm foremen and supervisors |
9 |
8111 |
mining-plant operators |
1 |
8113 |
well drillers & borers etc. workers |
1 |
8123 |
metal-heat-treating-plant operators |
1 |
8131 |
glass & ceramics kiln etc. machine operators |
1 |
8171 |
automated-assembly- line operators |
1 |
8212 |
cement & other mineral products machine operators |
1 |
8263 |
sewing-machine operators |
3 |
8266 |
shoemaking- etc. machine operators |
1 |
8290 |
other machine operators & assemblers |
2 |
8312 |
railway brakers signallers & shunters |
3 |
8323 |
bus & tram drivers |
2 |
8324 |
heavy truck & lorry drivers |
4 |
8331 |
motorized farm & forestry plant operators |
2 |
8400 |
semiskilled worker nsf |
6 |
9132 |
helpers & cleaners in establishments |
11 |
9141 |
building caretakers |
1 |
9152 |
doorkeepers watchpersons etc. workers |
3 |
9211 |
farm-hands & laborers |
4 |
9212 |
forestry laborers |
1 |
9311 |
mining & quarrying laborers |
1 |
9321 |
assembling laborers |
1 |
9322 |
hand packers & other manufacturing laborers |
1 |
9333 |
freight handlers |
1 |