Datasett: Social and cultural cohesion (2005, 2006)

Variabel g1b: Field of education


What is your highest attained education?


Verdier Kategorier N
1 Software systems and IT 32
2 Other branches of nature sciences 53
3 Mining, quarrying, metalurgy 72
4 Machinery, metal working production 557
5 Electrotechnics, elektronics 189
6 Tech Chem, Silicon 45
7 Food processing industry 210
8 Textile, clothing, leather treatment, treatment of plastics and vulcanized rubber, footwear production 211
9 Wood fabrication, manufacture and service of music instruments 64
10 Printing, fabrication of paper, film anf photography 26
11 Architecture, building industry, geodesy, cartography, land-use planning 140
12 Transportation, post, telecommunication 94
13 Special technical branches 18
14 Agriculture, forestry 219
15 Veterinary 15
16 Medical science and health care 145
17 Pharmaceutical branches 5
18 Social sciences and services 47
19 Historical science, archeology, archive studies 1
20 Economic studies and economy 207
21 Economics and enterprise organisation 149
22 Service workers 200
23 Jurisprudence 11
24 Pedagogy 172
25 Physical culture sciences 4
26 Culture sciences 3
27 Art, applied art and handcraft 9
28 Military branches 14
29 Police branches 20
30 Other branches 248

Oppsummert statistikk

Gyldige tilfeller 3180
Manglende tilfeller 288
Minimum 1.0
Maksimum 30.0
Denne variabelen er numerisk

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