The ISSP is a continuing annual programme of cross-national collaboration on surveys covering topics important for social science research. It brings together pre-existing social science projects and coordinates research goals, thereby adding a cross-national, cross-cultural perspective to the individual national studies. The data of the survey was collected both in the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic. Proportion of cases corresponds to the proportion of both populations. Czech and Slovak versions of questionnaires were identical. ISSP module on social equality concerned beliefs about what factors effect one’s chances for social mobility(e.g. parental status, education, contacts, race, etc.), explanations for inequality, assessments of social conflicts, and related questions. It also asked people to estimate the average earnings of various occupations (e.g. farm labourer and doctor) and what the average earnings of these occupations should be. There were two blocks of Czech-specific questions concerning unemployment and income differentiation.
Social Inequality II (ISSP 1992) - Czechoslovakia
full version
Sociální nerovnost II (ISSP 1992) - Československo
Navn | Tilknytning |
Mateju, Petr | Research team on Social Stratification, Institute of Sociology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. |
Navn | Tilknytning | Forkortelse | Rolle |
Institute of Sociology | Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences | SOU |
Prague CZ:
Navn | Tilknytning | Forkortelse |
Sociological Data Archive | Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences | SDA |
Navn | Tilknytning | Forkortelse |
Institute of Sociology | Czech Academy of Sciences | SOU |
The ISSP is a continuing annual programme of cross-national collaboration on surveys covering topics important for social science research. It brings together pre-existing social science projects and coordinates research goals, thereby adding a cross-national, cross-cultural perspective to the individual national studies.
Institute of Sociology (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic). Social Inequality II (ISSP 1992) - Czechoslovakia [dataset] [online]. Ver. 1.0. Prague: Czech Social Science Data Archive, 2005 [cited DATE]. DOI 10.14473/ ISSP00001en
Start | Slutt | Syklus |
1992-10 | 1992-11 |
Start | Slutt | Syklus |
1992-10-16 | 1992-11-06 |
Survey data
Standardised face-to-face interview
standardised questionnaire
Interviewing at home
No weights were produced.
Wildcode checking.
Medium online
Available for download by users registered at Czech Social Science Data Archive.
For non-commercial use only.
Technical information contains short abstract, response rate, information about representativity and some other information mentioned in the XML DDI codebook.
Full questionary (czech language).
All showcards used in data collection process (czech language).
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