Datasett: The Post-Crisis Legitimacy of the European Union (PLATO) - Documents files


Outputs of the project provide understanding on the linkages between EU democratic standards and anti-corruption policy effectivness. Project was investigating which are the necessary conditions for Parliaments to provide dual legitimation (EU and national institutions) in curbing corruption. The collected data avaiable via CSDA is meta data on documents files - academic papers, books, chapters, journals, EU reports, GRECO reports and other International reports; National report; The EU Treaties; Indexes, Surverys Data (Transparency International; Transformation Index BTI; VAM-D); Parliamentary official documents (web sites); Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), National anti-corrruption bodies official documents (annual reports; national actions plans; strategies; facts sheets); Webmedia news, media articles/ metatags (webpages);


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The Post-Crisis Legitimacy of the European Union (PLATO) - Documents files



Ansvarlig forfatter

Navn Tilknytning
Emilija Tudzarovska Gjorgjievska Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences


Navn Tilknytning Forkortelse Rolle
Institute of Sociology Czech Academy of Sciences IS CAS database creation
Czech Social Science Data Archive Institute of Sociology CAS CSDA data archiving, creating electronic codebook



Sponsor/finansierende institusjon

Navn Forkortelse Rolle Bevilgning
European Union’s Horizon 2020 H2020 database creation 722581
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (Czech Republic) MEYS data archiving LM2023046


Navn Tilknytning Forkortelse
Czech Social Science Data Archive Institute of Sociology CAS CSDA


Navn Tilknytning Forkortelse
Institute of Sociology Czech Academy of Sciences IS CAS






First version of data and metadata deposited in CSDA.

Dato: 2023-02-06


It is first version of data and metadata deposited in the archive but at the same time  it is eighth version od data in the project (previous versions are not deposited in the CSDA). Reposition of final version of  data in the archive  was planned after the end of the research project and PhD defense.

Bibliografisk henvisning

Institute of Sociology (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic). The Post-Crisis Legitimacy of the European Union (PLATO) - Documents files [dataset] [online]. Ver. 1.0. Prague: Czech Social Science Data Archive, 2023 [cited DATE]. DOI 10.14473/CSDA00320en

Liste av nøkkelord


Tidsperiode dekket

Start Slutt Syklus
2017-10-23 2019-11-30


Start Slutt Syklus
2019-03-01 2019-11-30


Macedonia, Croatia and Slovenia/ CEE (SEE) region

Geografisk enhet





Documents (academic papers; Books/Books Chapters; Journals; [EU legitimacy; Democratic Legitimacy; Anti-Corruption; Institutional theories; Democracy and Good governance etc.]; International reports and National reports; EU recommendations (EU progress reports); EU Anti-Corruption report; GRECO reports; European parliament official documents; Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), Transformation Index BTI; V-Dem Data (The Varieties of Democracy Institute) etc. Complemented by qualitative data from Expert Interviews (in the next stage of data collection).


Emilija Tudzarovska Gjorgjievska, Institute of Sociology CAS

Type datainnsamling

Searching for available  documents. Sources of documents:  Libraries and online access to Journals using institutional credential for login and use of data in line with proper quotation requirements; Web sites: International and national reports, meta-data (surveys and indices); Institutional web sites (institutions, think-tanks, media); available online with friendly and easy access approach. Interviews (to be followed in second stage). The source of the data is adequately referenced.


Available for users registered at Czech Social Science Data Archive. Available upon request (


For non-commercial use only.

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