Dataset: Social Networks (ISSP 2017) - Czech Republic

Variable Q07C: Who would you turn to first to ...

PreQuestion Text

Now we are asking about who you would turn to for help in different situations, if you needed it.

Literal Question

For each of the following situations, please pick who you would turn to for help first. If there are several people you might to turn to first, please pick the one you feel closest to.
Who would you turn to first to …
c. … be there and listen to you if you felt a bit down or depressed and wanted to talk about it?

Values Categories N
1 Close family member 594
2 More distant family member 70
3 Close friend 579
4 Neighbour 46
5 Someone I work with 32
6 Someone else 24
7 No one 54
8 Can’t choose 6

Summary Statistics

Valid cases 1405
Missing cases 0
This variable is numeric

Interviewer Instructions

only one choice for each situation


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