Jeu de données: Exit Poll 1992

Variable slfs92: Party voted-Chamber of People(Federal)

Question littérale

Which party did you just vote for to the Chamber of people of the federal assembly ?

Valeurs Catégories N
1 ODA Civic Dem.Alliance 979
3 CSSD CS Social Democrats 766
4 HSD-SMS Moravian nat.parties 420
5 HDZJ Pensioners for life sec. 242
10 NSS National socialist party-CS Nat.Soc.P 22
13 Democrats 92 59
14 Prty republ.&nat.dem.unity 37
15 Hungarian nat.parties 12
17 KDU-CSL Christ.Democr.Union-CzechPeoples P 518
19 CS Entrepreneurs 265
21 HSS Mov.for social justice 97
22 LSU Liberal-social Union 591
24 OH Civic movement 580
28 SPR-RSC Union for Republ.-CS Prty of Republ. 607
31 KAN ClubInvolvedNon-prtymembers 276
32 ROI Roman Civic Initiative 35
33 LB Left block=Communist Prty,PrtyDem.Left 1035
38 SPP Beer Friends Party 101
41 NEI Independent Initiative 135
42 ODS-KDS Civic Dem.Prty-Christ.Dem.Prty 4311
95 other=Slovakian parties 30
Sysmiss 180

Statistiques sommaires

Cas valides 11118
Cas manquants 180
Cette variable est numérique


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